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Root Canal With Crown: How It Is Performed?

Family and Cosmetic Dentist Located in Brooklyn, NY

If you are experiencing tooth pain due to an injury, crack, or chip in your tooth or infection, it is best to visit your dentist for an evaluation. You may require a root canal treatment to get rid of the infection, and the dentist will restore the health, form, and function of your tooth in just a few visits. Call Broadway Family Dental and schedule an appointment with our board-certified dentist for professional dental help. Dr. Ella Dekhtyar provides root canal therapy for crowned teeth to treat internal decay and save your tooth. She provides the highest quality care and ensures a painless treatment to ensure you achieve the benefits of good oral health for a lifetime.

When a tooth is badly damaged due to injury or decay, the inner dental pulp of the tooth, which contains nerves and blood vessels, can become inflamed and infected. It can result in intense pain and discomfort and requires immediate dental treatment to relieve the pain and save the tooth.

Root Canal Treatment – What It Is?

Root Canal With CrownA root canal treatment is an orthodontic procedure in which the dentist removes infected pulp tissue from the inside of the tooth till its root. Inflamed or infected dental pulp can cause extreme pain, tooth sensitivity, and formation of an abscess. The primary purpose of root canal treatment is to save the tooth from extraction.

The tooth structure is made of:

  • An outer, hard, white surface, which is known as enamel
  • An inner, spongy, yellow material that is known as dentin. The enamel rests on top of the dentin.
  • Beneath the dentin is the pulp chamber, which contains the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue supply of the tooth. This pulp keeps the tooth alive.

Root canal treatment is an effective way to save and restore teeth that are decayed beyond the point of a regular filling, the infection has eaten through the enamel and dentin and reached the pulp chamber. To save the tooth structure, the infected pulp is cleaned, and filled with the dental filling, and a crown is placed on the tooth to protect it from further bacterial infection and other types of damage.

Undergoing root canal treatment and restoration can:

  • Prevent the loss of your natural tooth
  • Get rid of all infection, decay, and damage from the affected tooth
  • Restore the form and function of the tooth with a custom dental crown
  • Resolve pain, sensitivity, and inflammation associated with the affected tooth
  • Eliminate the need for tooth extraction
  • Preserve the health of surrounding teeth

Read on to learn more about root canal, the significance of a crown after treatment, and how a root canal procedure can be performed, even if you are already wearing a crown.

Is It Possible to Have a Root Canal With a Crown?

Yes. You can have a root canal treatment with a crown. A dental crown is a protective cover or cap that is placed over a filled tooth. There is no need to fear a root canal treatment on a crowned tooth. All you need to do is book an appointment with an experienced and licensed orthodontist, and he will take care of your decayed tooth.

How Can a Root Canal Be Done Through a Dental Crown?

If you fail to maintain proper oral hygiene, plaque and other bacteria can accumulate under the crown. It can lead to the tooth underneath the crown getting affected and beginning the decay process.

Left untreated, this decay becomes extensive, the tooth structure becomes weak, and the infection reaches the pulp chamber. In such cases, the crown replacement is not sufficient to fix the issue. The tooth will have to undergo a root canal treatment.

If the crown cannot be taken off or removed, your dentist will attempt a root canal through the crown. He would do it just like they would over a natural crown, by drilling a hole through it and assessing the pulp chamber. After the procedure, the tooth is sealed again with a permanent restoration.

However, there are certain exceptions to this technique. They are:

  • If the decay is too extensive, removal of the crown becomes necessary for access to the affected tooth and even possible extraction.
  • If the crown is chipped or a large piece of porcelain breaks during the treatment and cannot be repaired, it has to be removed.
  • If your dentist discovers further damage, like a root fracture during the root canal procedure, he will have to take off the crown to perform further treatment.

A crown serves to strengthen a tooth and keep it in good shape. When placed over a weak tooth, it can provide the extra strength it needs to function the right way. However, if you need a root canal with a crown, it is essential to get early treatment. Delay can only make things worse and lead to pain.

When to Get a Crown After a Root Canal?

There are several factors you need to consider if you are planning to get a crown after a root canal. The first and most important thing is to know if your root canal treatment was performed accurately and there is no more infected pulp inside your tooth and its root.

You need to be sure your tooth pain and sensitivity are completely gone before moving forward and getting a crown to enjoy its benefits without any discomfort. You must take the root canal aftercare measures to ensure everything goes well before getting a crown.

Is a Crown Really Necessary After a Root Canal?

A crown may not be necessary for everyone, but it is generally placed over a premolar, molar, or one of the back grinding teeth once the root canal treatment is successfully performed. A dental crown is an optional cosmetic procedure, but it is recommended that you go for one as it protects the fillings and strengthens the tooth structure. These teeth need to be strong as they are used for eating throughout the day.

Your tooth may become over-sensitive during the root canal process, or it may become weaker when all the pulp has been removed, which makes it even more vulnerable to bacterial infection. The dentist will put a cap over it to prevent it from further damage. All teeth need to be healthy so they can function correctly.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last With a Crown?

Once treated with a root canal and crowned, a tooth can last for at least ten years or even more if it is cared for properly. However, the exact longevity of a root canal varies from person to person. If your root canals are not cleaned properly and traces of infected pulp are left inside, chances are the whole pulp will again be infected soon.

Also, the specific filling material determines the average lifespan of a root canal with a crown. Gold crowns last longer than silver crowns, and both last longer than other resin or amalgam crowns.

Why Do Root Canal Crowns Hurt?

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort inside your root canal crown, or feel pain during the root canal procedure, it is due to the infection inside your tooth root. The possibility of a root canal infection can turn very painful.

A misfit crown can be another reason for the pain you are experiencing because a crown that does not fit well can put pressure on the nerves, resulting in discomfort. Call your dentist if you continue to have severe pain even after a root canal treatment and crown placement.

A root canal with a crown is a great restorative procedure that can fix highly infected teeth by pulling out all the infected pulp from root canals and filling them. At Broadway Family Dental, Dr. Ella Dekhtyar and her highly skilled team provide comprehensive oral healthcare to people with dental issues to provide tooth stability and functioning. Dr. Ella Dekhtyar understands how agonizing tooth pain can be and focuses on saving your decayed tooth with root canal treatment. She uses the most advanced techniques and dentistry services to restore your dental function and ensures you achieve a vibrant, healthy smile within the shortest possible time.

Page Updated on Nov 25, 2024 by Dr. Dekhtyar (Dentist) of Broadway Family Dental

Broadway Family Dental
1152 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(Bushwick, Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant)
(718) 455-4400

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