If you have a damaged, decayed, or broken tooth, your dentist may recommend a dental cap or a crown to restore the health and function of your tooth. While both work the same way, they are different in many ways, with their own set of advantages and drawbacks. Call Broadway Family Dental today and schedule an appointment with our board-certified dentist to have your teeth examined by an expert to find out which option would best suit your dental needs. Dr. Ella Dekhtyar helps you choose the cosmetic dental treatment that makes your teeth look and work better and prevents further decay. She explains the differences between the two restorative methods and ensures you get the best out of it.
With time, our teeth get damaged. They may chip off or break due to injuries, tooth decay, or wear and tear when they are used for a very long time. As a result, your teeth may lose their shape and size. Dental crowns and teeth caps help to restore the size, shape, and appearance of a tooth and protect it from further damage.
When it comes to dental restorations, terms like dental cap and dental crown are often used interchangeably. Most people believe crowns and caps to be the same time, but there are some differences as each of them serves a different purpose. Knowing the differences between a cap and a crown for your teeth can help you make informed decisions about your dental care.
What Is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cover placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and look. Your dentist may recommend a crown to treat a cracked or damaged tooth or severe tooth decay. They are fixed over teeth that have been injured.
Dental crowns are also used for covering up dental implants and protect them from damage. For most people, porcelain is a popular choice as it can be made to match the color of your natural teeth and blends seamlessly with other teeth in your mouth.
Crowns have to be made specifically for the affected tooth. It takes more than one appointment to have a crown fitted. The dentist will first examine your teeth and mouth thoroughly and take impressions of your teeth to produce a fitting crown. The impressions are sent to the laboratory where the dental crowns are made ready for the next dental visit. They may also have to drill your tooth down to fit the crown properly.
What Is a Tooth Cap?
Also known as an onlay or inlay, a tooth cap only covers a portion of the tooth surface. It is similar to a crown, but it just protects the tooth surface instead of the entire structure. Caps are typically used when there is damage to just one side of the tooth or when preserving as much natural tooth structure as possible is desired.
Dentists usually recommend a dental cap to treat tooth decay, fractures or cracks in molars and premolars, tooth trauma, or tooth sensitivity. Sometimes teeth caps are also used for cosmetic reasons on teeth that are not damaged, to hide discoloration or gapped teeth.
Tooth caps are also made from porcelain and can be custom-made to match the color of your tooth.
Understanding the difference between dental crowns and caps can help you communicate better with your dentist and make informed decisions about your oral health. Whether you need a full crown or a partial restoration, your dentist will recommend the most suitable options for your specific needs.

Differences Between Tooth Caps and Dental Crowns
While they almost work the same way and look similar too, some key differences set them apart.
- The primary difference between a tooth cap and a dental crown is the amount of tooth structure they cover. While a tooth cap covers the biting surface and only one or two sides, the crown completely encases teeth, covering them fully from all sides.
- Another significant difference is the amount of tooth structure that needs to be removed before placement. A dental crown covers the entire tooth above the gun line and requires more preparation of the natural tooth structure. As a dental cap only covers a portion of the damaged or decayed tooth, it requires less removal of healthy enamel.
- A tooth cap only covers a part of the tooth’s surface, thus, it is less invasive to your mouth as compared to a dental crown procedure.
- Tooth caps are less expensive as they take less time.
- If the tooth cap does not fit properly, the dentist can easily remove it and replace it. It is not easy to take off a dental crown once it has been bonded to the tooth.
Dental crowns can be made from different materials. They can be ceramic, metal like gold or silver, or porcelain fused to metal. Ceramic is the most popular material as it fits in with the other teeth in the mouth. It becomes hard to tell if it is an artificial tooth.
Reasons for Needing a Dental Cap and Crown
You may have to go for a dental cap or a crown for the following reasons:
- To enhance the beauty of your smile
- To protect a loose tooth from breaking or holding together parts of a cracked tooth
- To hold a tooth in place with a large dental filling
- To cover and complete a dental implant
- Keep or hold a dental bridge in place
- For restoring an already broken tooth or a severely damaged tooth
- To cover a severely discolored or misshapen tooth
- For covering a tooth that has undergone a root canal
- For cosmetic dental modifications
Dentists also recommend dental crowns or caps for baby teeth to:
- Protect a child’s tooth if they are at a high risk of tooth decay, especially if the child finds it hard to keep up with daily oral hygiene
- Reduce the frequency of general anesthesia for children if they are unable to get the required dental care due to behavior, age, or medical history
- Save a baby tooth that has been severely damaged by decay and cannot support a filling.
While tooth caps and crowns are similar in many ways, they have unique benefits. Your dentist can help you decide which dental restoration is most appropriate for you, keeping in mind your age, dental needs, and the extent of problems you have. They may also take a digital image of your tooth and present treatment options to help you better understand which treatment would be best suited for the condition of your tooth.
How Long Do Dental Caps and Crowns Last?
Both a cap and crown can last many years if cared for properly. However, they may eventually need to be replaced if they become too worn down. Your dentist will tell you how long your cap or crown can last depending on how damaged your tooth is, where it is located in your mouth and the material you have chosen.
Remember, caring for your crowns and caps is as essential as caring for your natural teeth. With the right oral hygiene, your crowns and caps can last a lifetime.
When it comes to tooth restoration and cosmetic dentistry, there are several options for you to choose from. If you are considering getting a cap or a crown for your teeth, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ella Dekhtyar at Broadway Family Dental. Dr. Dekhtyar and her team work with you to find the best option for restoring the health and function of your teeth, whether it is the full coverage of a crown or the targeted protection of a cap. She focuses on understanding the unique needs of your teeth, what treatment they deserve and helps you enjoy a bright, shining smile in the shortest possible time.
Broadway Family Dental
1152 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(Bushwick, Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant)
(718) 455-4400